I, Hsing-Chuen Schmuziger-Chen 陳幸春, come from a family of Taiwanese musicians. During classical Chinese school education, my artistic inclination was shown in recitations of Chinese texts, essays as well as Chinese calligraphy. In 1981, I came to Switzerland to study music at the Zürich conservatory of music. The music studies were followed by training in music therapy, where I am mainly active today. I am married and have two grown-up children. In my practice in Lenzburg, Switzerland (musiktherapie-cocon.ch).
I offer various courses and workshops, including a "Reading Circle for Daoist Philosophy". I also developed my own therapy method "TheraDao", which I teach and use my practice and teach in courses, seminars and workshops in Switzerland and abroad. I also integrate the Chinese language and calligraphy in music-therapeutic self-awareness, choral music, sound meditation, and Qigong. I am now translating the Heart Sutra for publication.